This is a photoblog with minimal text. Unless noted otherwise, all photos were taken in the Northwest quadrant of Washington, DC, USA. A navigational note: All photos appear in reverse chronological order within each post, so the most recent will be on top & you will go back in time as you go down (spooky!). If you would like to buy prints or otherwise use a photo, please send me an email (furcafe(at) Click on a photo to visit my Flickr pages.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Dat-Hung Jewelry, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

1100 block, N. Hudson St., Arlington, VA

Museum of Modern Arf, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Vietnam Fashion, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Clarendon Watch, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Clarendon Alliance, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Sam's Corner, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Clarendon Ballroom, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

Mimi's Fashion & Gifts, Wilson. Blvd., Arlington, VA

Boulevard Wood Grill, Wilson, Blvd., Arlington, VA

Dr. Dremo's, Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA

USDA Farmers Market, Independence Ave., SW

R. Reagan Bldg. & Int'l Trade Ctr., Penn. Ave.

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